God Is So For You
It Is Ridiculous.
No Agenda Just Love
Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world, having no agenda except love.
You Are My Peace Jesus
God our Father loves us beyond measure. When we are afraid, worried, injured, hurt, or our confidence is shaken we must be anchored In Him. Our confidence must be IN HIM.
He is waiting for us to seek Him and His way of doing things because it works.
Breaking Bad
Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God.
His Beautiful Tapestry
We serve a good good Father, He did not bring us this far to abandon you or me! He is faithful who promised!! He is doing a good work in us.
Drawn to Him
Wow, what a powerful verse. Jesus is talking here. It is a privilege to be drawn to God. Please join your faith with ours for our “TRANSFORMATION TOUR” I will talk a bit more about that in a minute.
God Is So For You It Is Ridiculous
Having Love God’s kind of love, a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. Wow!
There is so much to it I thought we could look closely at it for a few weeks. Clear Conscience is found several times in the Bible, it brings that God-given peace in Jesus. I hope you will join me and let me hear from you.
Overcome Evil With Good
DON’T LISTEN SO MUCH TO ALL THE RHETORIC, but let’s follow the Voice of the Lord
Romans 12:21 NKJV Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
He Changes Not
Some of the things that have helped us on this journey have been,
Keep trusting Jesus and The Father who loves His family.
Love Him, love others as we love ourselves.
Merry Christmas
Well, I love Christmas it seems everywhere you go in America you hear songs about Jesus and His message never changes!! A Savior is born! Fear not! Glad tidings ...... Peace on earth goodwill toward man!
Rock And A Hard Place
You have heard me say it many times but it is the truth, God has a way of doing things and it works. He gave us guidelines for our lives AND THEY ARE FOR OUR GOOD. Not to control us but for safety, protection, and for care for us and our families. HE LOVES US!!!
His Hands
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
I love the fact that when this happens HE then sees us through the blood of Jesus, washed clean, chosen by HIM, HIS child. HE then gives us a new heart and writes HIS truth on our heart so we will follow HIM.
I love this phrase: EXPECTANCY IS THE BREEDING GROUND FOR MIRACLES. I have to remind myself that GOD LOVES FAITH, not just faith in anything, BUT FAITH IN HIS FAITHFULNESS.
Jesus calls us friends
I woke up today with this thought in my mind. JESUS CALLS US FRIENDS! Wow, think of that, Jesus calls us friends. I want to be a good friend. Friends are treasures! They can bring all kinds of things in our lives. Have you discovered that relationships can be tricky?
I only have good news for you! Please give this some serious thought, ponder it, dwell on it, and get it down in your heart.
Everyone who runs toward him Makes it
What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth.
Every God-direction is road-tested.
Everyone who runs toward him Makes it.
Enjoy Life And See Good Days
How do we enjoy life and see good days in this crazy time? GOD IS SPEAKING, AND HE ALWAYS SPEAKS BIBLE.
I love that God is the same and His ways are the same.
It is not like a roll of the dice, sometimes He is good and sometimes He is not. He always has our best interest in His sights.